John Monroe Law, P.C. has obtained a preliminary injunction against a high school principal in federal court in Wisconsin. The firm’s client, a high school student, was disciplined by the principal for wearing T-shirts to school that depicted firearms and other weapons. We sued the principal on First Amendment grounds. The federal district court in Milwaukee granted our motion for a preliminary injunction against the principal, so that while the case is pending the student cannot be prevented from wearing his T-shirts.
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Firm News
Jul 1, 2018
In a resolution of a years-long lawsuit John Monroe Law, P.C. has had against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Corps has relented and now will grant permission to weapons carry licensees to carry loaded weapons on Corps property in Georgia.
Aug 26, 2017
John Monroe Law, P.C. has successfully had a carrying a concealed weapon charge dismissed against a client, a truck driver who was arrested at a weigh station in Wisconsin after the state patrol found a handgun in his cab.
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